Universal Resistance Sensor
Universal Resistance Sensor
Resistance sensors are most commonly used to measure seed cotton moisture. The Universal Resistance Sensor can be used for both incoming and after-drying moisture measurement. This sensor is a good choice for measurement locations such as: the module feeder, a feed control, above a gin stand or in the live overflow. When used with a Moisture Mirror, the peak-hold capability of these sensors allows moisture measurement in locations not possible in the past. The current sensor design is based on improvements from our first resistance sensor that was sometimes susceptible to static electricity and hanging on to small sticks and trash.
Universal Resistance Sensor 2
The URS2 can measure the incoming, after-drying, gin stand, and seed moisture in any Samuel Jackson control system. A switch on the front panel helps the operator perform a quick check to verify the source of any observed measurement problem, which helps make sure that you are not running blind or misinformed. The URS2 delivers fast and accurate moisture measurement, which is critical to optimizing cotton gin operation.