Universal, Hot Box and sled Sensors


Resistance sensors are most commonly used to measure seed cotton moisture. The Universal Resistance Sensor can be used for both incoming and after-drying moisture measurement. This sensor is a good choice for measurement locations such as: the module feeder, a feed control, above a gin stand or in the live overflow. When used with a Moisture Mirror, the peak-hold capability of these sensors allows moisture measurement in locations not possible in the past. The current sensor design is based on improvements from our first resistance sensor that was sometimes susceptible to static electricity and hanging on to small sticks and trash.

Hot Box Sensor

For gins a Samuel Jackson Hot Box, mounting the incoming moisture sensor on the Hot Box cotton inlet door is the way to go. There is no additional conveyor space required, making moisture sensing possible even in the tightest of spaces. These sensors use resistance technology, which is the fastest available for sensing wet cotton and setting the drying temperature accordingly. Fast response gives the gin operator the margin of comfort needed to operate at lower temperatures.

Sled 2

The Sled was developed in the mid-1990's for sensing moisture of seed cotton entering the gin on a conveyor belt. Today, the Sled 2 works faster, is more rugged, and requires less space (only 24") to install. The Sled 2 is a resistance-based sensor mounted on a pendulum frame above a conveyor belt. The sensor glides along the top of the seed cotton and sends high speed readings back to the Moisture Mirror for automatic heater temperature control.

The Sled 2 is a perfect fit for gins that want fast and reliable moisture sensing, but do not have a Samuel Jackson Hot Box.