Moisture Mirror 4X

The Moisture Mirror 4X comes standard with every feature of its two little brothers and includes a 15-inch color touch screen interface to help hold the additional features.
The 4X has several standout features including it's built-in online database. This is not the same as the basic data storage on the Mirror 3X, but rather a full-blown database that opens a world of reporting and organization to your gin. Many gins ask about exporting reports from their 3X...the Mirror 4X does that! The online database is easy to use providing daily, weekly and seasonal reports with a single click. You can also search out very specific criteria like finding bales based on moisture, ginning date or any other Mirror variable!
The 4X includes the exciting ability to receive leaf trash data from online optical scanners to control your heaters automatically. The scanner quickly samples lint at the lint flue riser, makes a digital image, counts the number of trash particles, and calculates the trash area. It can do this 6 to 12 times per bale typically and this information is then used by the 4X to optimize drying temperature settings for control of leaf. As one ginner put it, it's WAY easier to let the Mirror adjust your heat to a target leaf setting versus deciding what to do with your lint cleaners. Check out the video below where one prototype location describes how the setup worked for them: Mirror 4X/Rapid Trash Video
Got 2 module feeders or two presses? The Mirror 4X has DOUBLE the power of other Mirror models. A single Moisture Mirror 4X has two completely separate automatic control loops for automatic heater and bale moisture control. This means it will automatically set your heater temperatures while you're ginning a dry module on one feeder and a wet module on the other. It also means you can automatically set your Humidaire Unit output for two separate moisture units on two separate applicators. This feature does require separate moisture sensors for each system.