Moisture Mirror 2X

The Moisture Mirror 2X is our most popular model because of its functionality and value. It is packed with features, yet remains affordable for any size gin. A few of the most popular features are the Auto-Drying Index, Simple Shed Technology and remote control of 1400/1500/1600 Series products.

The Mirror 2X automatically adjusts heaters based on incoming moisture, but doesn’t stop there. Its Auto Drying Index lets the ginner set a target after-drying moisture.  It then adjusts the drying temperatures to maintain that target. If a wet surprise occurs where raw cotton enters the system, the Mirror makes fast adjustments to turn up the heat and keep the gin from choking on the wet cotton and then returns to maintaining the target drying setpoint after the surprise has been addressed.  This added step to the automatic heater control process makes managing your drying needs even easier.

The Mirror 2X also offers Simple Shed Technology. Simple Shed uses the Ethernet communications between the Mirror and Sam Jackson Heaters to "shed" heaters off when incoming moisture falls below a user-definable moisture threshold. Heaters relight in seconds when moisture goes above the moisture threshold. Simple Shed users commonly report fuel savings of an additional 20-30% over automatic temperature setpoint control that combines for an economic effect of cutting a gin’s drying fuel costs in half as compared to automatic temperature control only.

Remote control of Ethernet-based products makes the Mirror 2X the central control center for most major moisture variables in the gin. All Sam Jackson 1400 series and later products easily plug into the Mirror 2X with a single Ethernet cable. This makes wiring a snap and frees up lots of console space.