King Mesa Humidaire

Installed king mesa humidaires

king mesa TouchScreen Interface

Behind every great moisture applicator is a great generator. Evaporating up to three gallons per minute, the King Mesa is prepared to generate enough moisture for even the driest of days. The King Mesa evaporates 75% more moisture with 10% less fuel than traditional moisture units allowing you to add more value to your bales; thus, giving your farmers what they deserve.

What sets the Humdaire King Mesa apart from any other moisture unit is Moisture Direct Technology. Moisture Direct is the most stable and user-friendly Humidaire Operating System ever designed by Samuel Jackson. Set your desired moisture output and the Humidaire quickly takes you there with almost no "overshoot"...a significant problem on some moisture units. Moisture Direct Technology is also a natural match with the improved automatic bale moisture control available on new Mirror X models. The King Mesa also has a heavy-duty purge system to reduce cleaning needs and an easy- to-access water tank that can be opened during operation.

When combined with a Moisture Mirror X and a TexMax Bale Moisture Sensor, the King Mesa can be controlled automatically allowing your target bale moistures to be easily met and consistent all season long.

Give your moisture applicator the generator it needs to successfully add value to your bales.

The King Mesa Humidaire is available RIGHT NOW and features:

  • 75% more moisture output than traditional moisture units

  • The fastest and most stable controls ever designed by Samuel Jackson

  • 10% less fuel per pound of moisture

  • Rugged water train and purge system   

  • A worldwide technical support staff

To learn more about the King Mesa operation, click the button below:

King Mesa Humidaire Survey Results

For customer references, give us a call and we will be happy to
direct you to a manager/ginner to discuss their experiences.