“We strive to make the best products available anywhere. Manufactured in Lubbock, Texas, USA, every Sam Jackson product is made with care and thoroughly inspected before leaving our factory. Our team’s appetite for learning allows us to continue providing new technology to help cotton gins operate at remarkable capacities and profitability. We are serious about cotton and invite you to browse our website to see where our passion intersects with your needs.”
Drying Products
Gins do not have the luxury of ginning dry, clean cotton all season long. Having a strong drying system can make all the difference in your bottom line for both the gin and the farmer.
Effective drying results in more bales ginned per week while using less fuel. When cotton dries better, it cleans better, which means you are protecting your grades, too.
Effective drying has benefits such as:
Increase ginning capacity
Preserve grades
Optimize fuel usage
Improve turnouts
Moisture Products
Controlling the moisture at different stages in the ginning process maximizes its value for the gin and the farmer.
Having an efficient and powerful moisture control system in each stage of the ginning process is vital in capitalizing on your gin’s potential. A powerful drying system prepares
the cotton for cleaning. Adding moisture at the gin stands reduces static and maintains fiber qualities. Effective moisture restoration at the press adds value to the bale and reduces wear and tear on the press.
Measurement & Control Products
It is not what you own, but what you control that affects your bottom line. The labels that you see first do not indicate how well a gin can perform. It is what controls that equipment that determines your success.
If you control the air, you will have higher production rates. If you control the sparks, you will see fewer fires. If you control the heaters, you will save big on fuel. If you control the Humidaires, you will see your farmers come back year after year. No matter what the circumstance is, controlling your gin will make a difference.
No other equipment in your gin preserves your capital like Sam Jackson products. Give your board and farmers peace of mind by letting them know that behind all that equipment are controls that add to the bottom line year after year .
rain park
At Sam Jackson, we encourage efficiency and return on investment on our products and systems for our customers. While our production facility has different needs than a cotton gin, we still treat it like one of our customers. Since September of 2015, our factory, testing, and office operations have run 100% on harvested rainfall. In 2020, we added a significant solar panel array to help supply our facility with power. A visit to 3900 Upland Avenue will reveal these surprising efficiency techniques and technologies that are in daily use. Although most of these are not products that we sell, the solutions we have chosen or developed strongly reflect on our efficiency and our culture. Like all of the customers we assist, our desire is to keep them smiling - rain or shine! Please follow the links below to learn more.

sam jackson global
Sam Jackson products are made in Texas but are shipped across the globe. Click the button below to find a salesman near you.